Hi to all!

I have some tiny app that I wish to make multilingual. Now, when I run
Qt Code:
  1. lupdate ClientDemo.pro
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
I get following errors:
Qt Code:
  1. C:\Users\Uporabnik\Desktop\NoordungMkICode\ClientDemo>lupdate ClientDemo.pro
  2. C:/Qt/4.6.0-rc1/mkspecs/features/debug_and_release.prf(66):Function 'eval' is no
  3. t implemented
  4. C:/Qt/4.6.0-rc1/mkspecs/features/debug_and_release.prf(69):Function 'eval' is no
  5. t implemented
  6. C:/Qt/4.6.0-rc1/mkspecs/features/debug_and_release.prf(72):Function 'eval' is no
  7. t implemented
  8. C:/Qt/4.6.0-rc1/mkspecs/features/debug_and_release.prf(75):Function 'eval' is no
  9. t implemented
  10. C:/Qt/4.6.0-rc1/mkspecs/features/debug_and_release.prf(78):Function 'eval' is no
  11. t implemented
  12. C:/Qt/4.6.0-rc1/mkspecs/features/debug_and_release.prf(80):Function 'eval' is no
  13. t implemented
  14. C:/Qt/4.6.0-rc1/mkspecs/features/debug_and_release.prf(82):Function 'eval' is no
  15. t implemented
  16. C:/Qt/4.6.0-rc1/mkspecs/features/debug_and_release.prf(84):Function 'eval' is no
  17. t implemented
  18. C:/Qt/4.6.0-rc1/src/corelib/tools/qstringbuilder.h:45: circular inclusion of c:/
  19. Qt/4.6.0-rc1/include/QtCore/qstring.h
  21. C:/Qt/4.6.0-rc1/src/gui/painting/qwmatrix.h:45: circular inclusion of c:/Qt/4.6.
  22. 0-rc1/include/QtGui/qmatrix.h
  24. c:/Qt/4.6.0-rc1/include/QtGui/qboxlayout.h:1: circular inclusion of C:/Qt/4.6.0-
  25. rc1/src/gui/kernel/qboxlayout.h
  27. C:/Qt/4.6.0-rc1/src/gui/kernel/qgridlayout.h:45: circular inclusion of c:/Qt/4.6
  28. .0-rc1/include/QtGui/qlayout.h
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
What should I do to get rid of these errors?
