
At the university we are listening to "Software modeling" course and teacher gave a task to design and implement some simple application. I'm new to QT (developed just a pair of simple GUI programs in QT Creator -- threads, model based tree view, item based table view, signals) and want to study it better, so I decided to do it through this course. I'm a little bit experienced in C++ and Linux/UNIX programming so I think I will cope with it.

As I haven't yet chosen a theme for my project, I decided to ask QT community for it -- maybe somebody has ideas about small but useful applications? Or maybe there is ToDo list in QT, that I haven't found? I've seen QT Roadmap, but it seemed too common. There is only few demands to project: it should be GUI, rather simple and object-oriented method should be applicable for it.

I'll be very grateful for suggestions.

Thanks and sorry for not so good English.