
I have created a QMainWidget using Qt's designer, wich has a centralWidget. The Layout of the centralWidget is set to grid-layout and resizing in the designer prview is doing well.

Then I have created a second Widget using the designer, which contains a frame and some other widgets. Layout is set to grid and resizing is doing well too in the designer preview.

And even resizing the MainWindow in my application is doing well too.

My problem now is, that my second widget - the one I like to show inside the centralWidget - don't resize if I resize my Mainwindow.

Qt Code:
  1. Home::Home ( MainWindow *pMainWindow )
  2. : myMainWindow( pMainWindow )
  3. {
  4. frameHome = new QFrame( myMainWindow->centralwidget );
  6. setupUi( frameHome );
  7. }
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

What's wrong with that, why I cant resize the widget inside centralWidget?

I'm sure, it's a very simple thing but I can't figure it out.

May be it's to hot today ...

Thanks in advance.

Davao City, Philippines, Planet Earth, 35.3 °C