I'm having some problem compiling my first Qt program. We have Qt 4.0.1, OS X Commercial version. We are out of the support period.

I just installed it today on my Macintosh G5 running 10.4.6.

I'm trying to build the calculatorbuilder demo application and I get this error:

Qt Code:
  1. 35: error: QtDesigner/QFormBuilder: No such file or directory
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

The source line is:

Qt Code:
  1. #include <QtDesigner/QFormBuilder>
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

Qt was freshly installed on this machine. I did a spotlight search and QFormbuilder does indeed seem to be missing. (In /Library/Frameworks I have:

  • QtSql.framework
  • QtGui.framework
  • QtNetwork.framework
  • QtOpenGL.framework
  • Qt3Support.framework
  • QtCore.framework
  • QtXml.framework

Where can I get QFormBuilder?

Fortunately, the t1 tutorial example builds so I guess I'll start my learning there. I usually like diving right in but that didn't work in this case.

I've googled and searched these forums but not found my answer.

Thanks for any help.
