Hi .........

I have created a Qt application which uses some some shared libraries for running the executable.i am using Qt 4.4.0 on Windows XP.Now i want to port the same application on linux.

i am able to run a simple Qt app on linux using qmake -pro,den qmake and make..

i created the shared library(.so file) on linux using command
"gcc -shared -Wl,-soname,libctest.so.1 -o libctest.so.1.0 *.o" .

Now i want to link this library to an executable.Could you plz tel me how can i achieve it?i am getting undefined reference errors for Qt classes i have used while trying to link the library using gcc command.

Is there any way to accomplish these using qmake command.I am not using any IDE.

Plz provide some solution.

Thanks in advance......................
