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Thread: qmake Project file has both "debug" and "release" conditions true

  1. #1
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    Default qmake Project file has both "debug" and "release" conditions true

    Here's my project file:

    Qt Code:
    1. TARGET = trialApp
    2. TEMPLATE = app
    4. win32 {
    5. debug {
    6. LIBS += -L../trialLibA/debug
    7. PRE_TARGETDEPS += ../trialLibA/debug/libtrialLibA.a
    8. }
    9. release {
    10. LIBS += -L../trialLibA/release
    11. PRE_TARGETDEPS += ../trialLibA/release/libtrialLibA.a
    12. }
    13. }
    15. INCLUDEPATH += ../trialLibA
    16. LIBS += -ltrialLibA
    18. SOURCES += main.cpp\
    19. MainWindow.cpp
    20. HEADERS += MainWindow.h
    21. FORMS += MainWindow.ui
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    The problem is that both "debug" and "release" are defined when the makefile is generated. (I had started with debug {} else {} but debug was always defined).

    In both Makefile.Debug and Makefile.Release, LIBS is defined to have both "-L../trialLibA/debug" and "-L../trialLibA/release".

    So, of course, when I build the app, it takes the debug library (even when building release) because it's listed first in the LIBS path.

    How is my understanding of the qmake process flawed here?
    Last edited by barryhf; 13th February 2010 at 00:34.

  2. #2
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    Angry Re: qmake Project file has both "debug" and "release" conditions true

    From the Qt docs
    Scopes are similar to if statements in procedural programming languages. If a certain condition is true, the declarations inside the scope are processed.
    So your scope says that if the OS is win32 compile with debug and release libraries.

    Try something like this:
    Qt Code:
    1. CONFIG += debug
    3. win32 {
    4. CONFIG(debug) {
    5. LIBS += -L../trialLibA/debug
    6. PRE_TARGETDEPS += ../trialLibA/debug/libtrialLibA.a
    7. } else {
    8. LIBS += -L../trialLibA/release
    9. PRE_TARGETDEPS += ../trialLibA/release/libtrialLibA.a
    10. }
    11. }
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: qmake Project file has both "debug" and "release" conditions true

    Quote Originally Posted by barryhf View Post
    How is my understanding of the qmake process flawed here?
    Your confusion is that you expect it to make sense, whereas this particular “feature” is entirely counter-intuitive.

    This explanation of the CONFIG function should help.

    The problem is that the CONFIG variable can (and usually does) contain conflicting options, such as both “debug” and “release”; only the last of conflicting options is effective, but an ordinary scope test only discovers whether an option is present, not whether it is effective. Using CONFIG(debug, debug|release), for example, will test whether “debug” is the last (and hence, effective) among the “debug” and “release” options.

  4. The following user says thank you to Coises for this useful post:

    barryhf (15th February 2010)

  5. #4
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    Default Re: qmake Project file has both "debug" and "release" conditions true

    Thank you, Coises, the following code now works to set the dependencies correctly (I can change a code file in the library, hit F5 and the app builds and links correctly).

    Another question: How does this effect the notion of "scopes" in general? Is it still valid to use the "win32" scope, or is there a different Conditional, such as CONFIG, that I should be using?

    Qt Code:
    1. TARGET = trialApp
    2. TEMPLATE = app
    4. win32 {
    5. CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
    6. LIBS += -L../trialLibA/debug
    7. PRE_TARGETDEPS += ../trialLibA/debug/libtrialLibA.a
    8. } else {
    9. LIBS += -L../trialLibA/release
    10. PRE_TARGETDEPS += ../trialLibA/release/libtrialLibA.a
    11. }
    12. }
    14. INCLUDEPATH += ../trialLibA
    15. LIBS += -ltrialLibA
    17. SOURCES += main.cpp\
    18. MainWindow.cpp
    19. HEADERS += MainWindow.h
    20. FORMS += MainWindow.ui
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