Hi Everybody,
I'm trying to use QGLGraphicsViewportItem (Qt3D) with other graphics scene elements like QGraphicsText in the same scene. However, whenever I add the QGLGraphicsViewportItem, the text elements disappear.
The easiest way to reproduce this is to insert the following lines into qt3d/examples/graphicsview/main.cpp, line 78 (after the QGLGraphicsViewportItems are inserted) :
Qt Code:
text->setDefaultTextColor(Qt::red); text->setPos(-20,-20); text->setZValue(2); scene.addItem(text);To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode
Here, I am adding a text element into the scene which contains 2 QGLGraphicsViewportItems. The text will not show up. If you comment the graphics viewports out, then the text will display correctly.
Does anybody have an idea?
Thank you,