Hi there. I'm evaluating the Qwt library, and so far it has impressed me in several aspects.

But I've encountered two important issues regarding panning. I've added a QwtPlotPanner to the canvas, and the grid moves while I pan. There are however some additional items I want to have redrawn for each move event. for to make a nice and smooth plot.

Issue 1: The axes are only redrawn when I release the mouse button. I want the axes/ruler to be drawn while moving (with the grid) to make it a smooth experience for the user.
Issue 2: The grid is moved, but this is only the pixmap created before the move started. Hence new lines in the grid is not created outside of the initial area.

I did partly solve issue 1 by replacing
Qt Code:
  1. emit moved(d_data->pos.x() - d_data->initialPos.x(),
  2. d_data->pos.y() - d_data->initialPos.y());
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
in the widgetMouseMoveEvent in qwt.panner.cpp to
Qt Code:
  1. emit panned(d_data->pos.x() - d_data->initialPos.x(),
  2. d_data->pos.y() - d_data->initialPos.y());
  3. d_data->initialPos = d_data->pos;
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
The moved signal doesn't seem to be connected to anything anyway. This fix will introduce a bug with the grid moving; the grid flickers because of the setting of the initialPos in the middle of move events.

How can these two issues be solved?

Thanks in advance,