I am working on my video player some more and want to add in keyboard handling. I want to be able to use the space bar or right arrow key to move ahead x-number of frames that are chosen by the user using a QSpinBox. I have this QSpinBox as well as a number of buttons on my interface for the mouse to use. The problem is with using these certain keys, the focus just moves around from object to object. So I had my QAxWidget call grabKeyboard( ) so I could handle for the space bar and arrow pressing. But I also want to be able to type in a number into the QSpinBox instead of using the mouse to scroll to a value. I thought about giving the QSpinBox control of the keyboard in an if-statement in my KeyPress event handler and then after capturing the input set the focus outside the QSpinBox and give the keyboard back to the QAxWidget so it could handle it like before. Unfortunately, upon giving the control back to the QSpinBox, I never enter the KeyPress event handler so I cannot give the control back to the QAxWidget. Is there anyway I can do what I am trying to do. Does this make sense to anyone? Thanks!