
I am new to Qt developement so this might be a very easy question for the experts out there

A have serveral C++ Classes handling a socket connection with a remote device. These Classes are part of an older Framework we developed some time ago (so there is no inheritance from QObject etc.).
The application has a few threads and one of them should "inform" the GUI about a certain event.

There is a QT-Dialog Window waiting for this information. So I guess, as far as I understood, I could generate a signal to solved this?!
As long as my class is not based on a QObject (and I don't want to change that) I could need some kind of model-view-controller structure. So that the signal can be generated by the controller?!

May be there is a much simpler way to achieve my goal of sending a signal to the GUI by my thread?!
Would be perfect, I somebody could help me out
Thank you!
