free book on the websiteis the one i use from time to time free book on the websiteis the one i use from time to time
Effective C++ (and More Effective C++) (Scott Meyers)
An Introduction To Design Patterns In C++ With Qt4 (Alan and Paul Ezust) (Currently reading print copy from Amazon) (also available online below)
Thinking in C++ I & II (Bruce Eckel):
Modern C++ Design: Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied (Andrei Alexandrescu).
C++ Templates: The Complete Guide (David Vandevoorde, Nicolai M. Josuttis)
Just started reading:
Advanced Qt Programming: Creating Great Software With C++ and Qt 4
(Mark Summerfield)
Seems a really great buy so far.
haha, I bought Stroustrup's book in polish too, and yes it was terrible to read(I'm not a native speaker) convoluted is the word.
can anybody recommend a good book about applying design pattern? like a collection of case studies? I am familiar with several patterns (I hope), but I don't know when to apply which pattern.
@up: I'm sure you can find some useful tips in Andrei Alexandrescu - "Modern C++ Design: Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied"
@topic: One of my favorite books is Robert C. Martin's "Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship". Its not about C++ at all (examples in Java), but I think its worth reading. This is one of the books that really helped me to improve my coding skills.
Can anyone recommend a book that handles the new features of C++11?
Aren't there any or do you guys think it's a stupid question, I can find C++11 books but they don't seem to limit them selves to only the new stuff in C++11
This one is about concurrency in C++11.
And this one is about STL.
Also there is Stroustrup's C++11 faq and also wikipedia page but note that no compiler support all C++11 features yet.
LE: Also we can wait for the 4'th edition of "The C++ programming language"
Last edited by Zlatomir; 1st November 2012 at 13:32.
The gang of four, gamma et al, though not specific to c++ is simply the best. Particularly for ui, with so many classes to play with, it is a great help in design strategies. Alexandrescu modern c++ design is good too but I liked C++ Templates: The Complete Guide (David Vandevoorde, Nicolai M. Josuttis) more as it helped me for the daily usage more.
I liked meyers effective c++ too.
Schildt's C++ The complete reference
Meyers' Effective C++
Meyers' More Effective C++
Blanchette's & Summerfield's C++ GUI Programming with Qt 3
If you want to learn about the c++ concepts and primetives I suggest you the "c++ the complete refrence by Herbert Schildt" or "thinking in c++ by Bruce Eckel" they are the book which can help you to understand the concept of programming.
C++ Programming Language by Bjarne Stroustrup.
My favorite book for introducing an experienced programmer to C++ is Nigel Chapman's "The Late Night Guide to C++". This would probably not be a good book for someone with no programming experience at all. But if you already understand the idea of writing a program to tell a computer to perform a task, and you understand in general how the computer carries out the instructions expressed in the program, and in particular if you have successfully written a few programs in some other language, then Chapman's book can help you understand what is special about C++, and why the language is so powerful. The book is lively and witty, and has some unusual examples drawn from niche programming languages (Metafont and AWK). I appreciated this because it showed that by defining a few appropriate classes and operations, you could use C++, a mainstream, general-purpose language, to accomplish the same tasks for which people used to resort to special-purpose languages or applications.
The book isn't cheap, and it is definitely a tutorial, not a reference. By that I mean that you may read it once or twice through, but after that, if you continue as a C++ programmer, you will probably not go back to Chapman's book again and again -- you will want something else (like Stroustrup's "The C++ Programming Language", or Meyers's "Effective" books, or books by Sutter or Alexandrescu or Josuttis) as regular references. So it makes sense to borrow it from a library if you can, or if you're a student, maybe chip in with others to buy a copy you can share, or buy it used if you can find it.
But even if you have to buy it outright (as I did), I would say it's worth it. It is a well-thought-out, well-paced introduction that concentrates on the class and object mechanisms that make C++ different from C and from Java. (In particular I remember it having a really good treatment of multiple inheritance.)
On another note, I should also mention that Stanley Lippman has written two very good books: "The C++ Primer" (now in its 4th edition, I believe), and "Essential C++". The "Primer" is intended as a thorough introduction to the language, and I do mean thorough -- it's about 1200 pages long. Unlike Chapman's book, it can serve as a useful reference even after you know the language, but its sheer size and comprehensiveness may make it daunting. "Essential C++" takes a tutorial approach, and has some good examples and exercises, but is less useful as a long-term reference than the "Primer" and less fun to read than Chapman's "Late-Night Guide". At this point, personal taste (and budget) start to affect your choice, so I'll leave you with these suggestions, and recommend that you go to a bookstore and look at the books and buy the one that appeals to you most, since that's the one you're most likely to actually read and profit from.
The Art of Building Qt Applications: Cross-platform development is a kind of holy grail, and Trolltech's Qt toolkit may well be the most promising solution yet to this development challenge. Qt is widely used for the development of GUI applications as well as console tools and servers, and it's especially appealing to programmers who need to write cross-platform applications to run on Linux/Unix, Mac, and Windows machines without having to rewrite for each platform. The Book of Qt 4 offers an in-depth explanation of Qt 4 that goes beyond the common focus on C++ programming.The Qt3 book already mentioned is a MUST HAVE (I even PAID for it!) (They even had it at Barnes and Noble!)
of course when I got it Qt4.1 rc 1 was already out (and I wasn't going to start using an old version!) so I pretty much used it to just get an idea about HOW to use Qt to build Android apps since some of the syntax is a little different.
C++ In Plain English is a great reference book, especially for people moving from 'plain old' C to C++. (Which I did kicking and screaming, BTW and now would never go back) It touches on many topics but puts a lot of focus on object orientation and skims over things like int,long,float,printf,arrays,etc (eg. things you should already know unless you are completely new to this)
Not a C++ book, but the O'Reilly Pocket Reference on Regular Expressions is quite helpful even though it is REALLY meant for Java, C#, and PHP
Actually i am new and learning so thats why i dint haven idea which book is favoirt..![]()
Last edited by Roseangel41; 12th April 2016 at 12:58.
My favorite is Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ (Bjarne Stroustrup), this is the very first C++ book i've read.
Hi! I used this list when I bought C++ book. I bought the "The C++ Programming Language".