Personally I found Stroustrup's book to be over my head when I first tried to read it. At that point C++ was the first language I was learning, and the way he describes concepts in the book was too abstract for me to make any sense of them.

IMHO the best book for beginning or reviewing C++ is Bruce Eckel's Thinking in C++. The best thing that this book has going for it is that it's absolutely free!!! "Free" is always a good feature in a book, I think. The book describes C++ concepts from the point of view of a developer moving from C to C++, however, I have no experience in C and was still able to follow along easily. The book is a nice blend of theoretical explanation combined with practical code examples. Instead of trying to cover every C++ concept from beginning to end, Eckel's book is a sort of linear narritive that introduces concepts individually but then gradually elaborates on them as parts of a whole. He is also able to explain some of the logic behind the design of the language which I find makes it easier to remember how to use, and begins the book with a very good, high-level introduction to OOP.