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Thread: Qwt - installation compilation and using with Qt Creator on Windows

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Qwt - installation compilation and using with Qt Creator on Windows

    this is my first post so please be tolerance.
    I read about qwt and now i have many problems to use it with Qt Creator 1.3.0 based on Qt 4.6.0 (32 bit)
    I download sources from
    I install it to C:\qwt
    QT is installed in C:\Qt\2009
    I read installation tips but i have no idea what i've to do step by step.
    So please help me.

    Information for installation from
    make reads project files, that contain the options and rules how to
    build a certain project. A project file ends with the suffix "*.pro".
    Files that end with the suffix "*.pri" are included by the project
    files and contain definitions, that are common for several project files.

    qwtconfig.pri is read by all project files of the Qwt package.
    So the first step is to edit qwtconfig.pri to adjust it to your
    First problem: I can't edit qwtconfig.pri because i don't have it.
    So i go to the next step ,maby there i found answers or tips why....
    C) Win32/MinGW Qt4

    C1) Windows Shell

    Start a Windows Shell, where Qt4 is initialized. ( F.e. with
    "Programs->Qt by Trolltech ...->Qt 4.x.x Command Prompt" ).

    I go to folder C:\qwt
    "qmake " works but nothing is happen.
    "make " doesn't work because name "make" is not recognizable
    I "googled" and i found tips that after qmake i should use on Windows mingw32-make
    And now i have many errors:
    mingw32-make -f Makefile.Debug
    mingw32-make[1]: Entering directory `C:/qwt'
    g++ -c -g -Wall -frtti -fexceptions -mthreads -DUNICODE -DQT_LARGEFILE_SUPPORT -
    ORE_LIB -I"..\Qt\2009\qt\include\QtCore" -I"..\Qt\2009\qt\include\QtGui" -I"..\Q
    t\2009\qt\include" -I"include" -I"..\Qt\2009\qt\include\ActiveQt" -I"src\moc" -I
    "..\Qt\2009\qt\mkspecs\win32-g++" -o src\obj\qwt_autoscl.o src\qwt_autoscl.cpp
    In file included from include/qwt_scldiv.h:14,
    from include/qwt_autoscl.h:14,
    from src\qwt_autoscl.cpp:11:
    include/qwt_array.h:25:23: error: qmemarray.h: No such file or directory
    In file included from src\qwt_autoscl.cpp:10:
    include/qwt_math.h: In function 'void qwtShiftArray(T*, int, int)':
    include/qwt_math.h:162: error: there are no arguments to 'QABS' that depend on a
    template parameter, so a declaration of 'QABS' must be available
    include/qwt_math.h:162: note: (if you use '-fpermissive', G++ will accept your c
    ode, but allowing the use of an undeclared name is deprecated)
    In file included from include/qwt_autoscl.h:14,
    from src\qwt_autoscl.cpp:11:
    include/qwt_scldiv.h: At global scope:
    include/qwt_scldiv.h:18: error: 'QMemArray' is not a template
    include/qwt_scldiv.h:18: error: explicit instantiation of non-template type 'QMe
    include/qwt_scldiv.h:128: error: 'QMemArray' is not a template
    What i do wrong,where i have right and where i make a mistake.
    Please help mi with my big problem.
    At the end sorry for my english. :/

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Qwt - installation compilation and using with Qt Creator on Windows

    First problem: I can't edit qwtconfig.pri because i don't have it.
    It's part of every Qwt release. If you don't have a qwtconfig.pri file you don't have an official Qwt package.


  3. #3
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    Default Re: Qwt - installation compilation and using with Qt Creator on Windows

    Thank you for reply. If i don't have official package can you tell me from where i can download it and how?Please remember -i works on Windows.
    Thank's from up!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Qwt - installation compilation and using with Qt Creator on Windows

    The link you have posted is o.k ( although it is the 5.2 bugfix branch of the source code repository and not a release ). Follow it and you see a couple of filenames - one of this is named qwtconfig.pri. So if you don't have it and if you don't know what subversion is - where did you get your package from ?

    If you want to find the Qwt project page and all official releases google for Qwt and you have it in 5 seconds.


  5. #5
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    Default Re: Qwt - installation compilation and using with Qt Creator on Windows

    I download qwt from right link and now i have all files.
    I edit qwtconfig.pri
    # Install paths

    VER_MAJ = 5
    VER_MIN = 2
    VER_PAT = 0

    unix {
    INSTALLBASE = /usr/local/qwt-5.2.0

    win32 {
    INSTALLBASE = C:/qw/qwt-5.2.0

    target.path = $$INSTALLBASE/lib
    headers.path = $$INSTALLBASE/include
    doc.path = $$INSTALLBASE/doc

    # qmake internal options

    CONFIG += qt # Also for Qtopia Core!
    CONFIG += warn_on
    CONFIG += thread

    # release/debug mode
    # If you want to build both DEBUG_SUFFIX and RELEASE_SUFFIX
    # have to differ to avoid, that they overwrite each other.

    isEmpty(VVERSION) {

    # Qt 3
    CONFIG += release # release/debug
    else {
    # Qt 4
    win32 {

    CONFIG += release # release/debug/debug_and_release
    #CONFIG += release_and_release
    #CONFIG += build_all
    else {
    CONFIG += release # release/debug

    # If you want to have different names for the debug and release
    # versions you can add a suffix rule below.


    win32 {

    # Build the static/shared libraries.
    # If QwtDll is enabled, a shared library is built, otherwise
    # it will be a static library.

    CONFIG += QwtDll

    # QwtPlot enables all classes, that are needed to use the QwtPlot
    # widget.

    CONFIG += QwtPlot

    # QwtWidgets enables all classes, that are needed to use the all other
    # widgets (sliders, dials, ...), beside QwtPlot.

    CONFIG += QwtWidgets

    # If you want to display svg imageson the plot canvas, enable the
    # line below. Note that Qwt needs the svg+xml, when enabling
    # QwtSVGItem.

    #CONFIG += QwtSVGItem

    # If you have a commercial license you can use the MathML renderer
    # of the Qt solutions package to enable MathML support in Qwt.
    # So if you want this, copy qtmmlwidget.h + qtmmlwidget.cpp to
    # textengines/mathml and enable the line below.

    #CONFIG += QwtMathML

    # If you want to build the Qwt designer plugin,
    # enable the line below.
    # Otherwise you have to build it from the designer directory.

    CONFIG += QwtDesigner

    # If you want to auto build the examples, enable the line below
    # Otherwise you have to build them from the examples directory.

    CONFIG += QwtExamples
    Next i open Qt command line and type "qmake" (0 errors)
    Next (follow instructions) "mingw32-make" (0 errors)
    Next "mingw32-make install"
    C:\qw\qwt-5.2.0>mingw32-make install
    cd src\ && mingw32-make -f Makefile install
    mingw32-make[1]: Entering directory `C:/qw/qwt-5.2.0/src'
    mingw32-make -f Makefile.Release install
    mingw32-make[2]: Entering directory `C:/qw/qwt-5.2.0/src'
    copy /y "..\lib\libqwt.a" "c:\Qwt-5.2.0\lib\libqwt.a"
    Liczba skopiowanych plików: 1.
    copy /y c:\qw\qwt-5.2.0\src\qwt.h c:\Qwt-5.2.0\include
    Liczba skopiowanych plików: 1.
    copy /y c:\qw\qwt-5.2.0\src\qwt_abstract_scale_draw.h c:\Qwt-5.2.0\include
    Liczba skopiowanych plików: 1.
    copy /y c:\qw\qwt-5.2.0\src\qwt_array.h c:\Qwt-5.2.0\include
    Liczba skopiowanych plików: 1.
    copy /y c:\qw\qwt-5.2.0\src\qwt_color_map.h c:\Qwt-5.2.0\include
    [.................................................. .....]
    [.................................................. .....]
    mingw32-make[2]: Leaving directory `C:/qw/qwt-5.2.0/designer'
    mingw32-make[1]: Leaving directory `C:/qw/qwt-5.2.0/designer'
    So it copy files to my Qt folders.
    Now i open QtCreator and open one of examples. "data_pot" I run it and works!
    But if i open new project and include headers compilator don't see them:/
    What i have to do to create new qt files where i can use qwt without any problems?
    Please, if anybody now how repair this please reply.

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