I'm trying to have an editable table of entries. Each entry has 3 columns.

The 1st is a choice of a string among a dynamic list of strings. So graphically, it should be a "pull-down menu"

The 2nd is, for the select string from the 1st column, there is a list of fields, values. I have a function that returns a QWidget that is made of QLabels and QLineEdits. I would like this QWidget to be in the 2nd column.

The 3rd column is a file path in a QLineEdit with a QPushButton.

The whole table is editable.

This QTableView uses a class derived from QAbstractTableModel. However I am unable to return QWidgets from the
Qt Code:
  1. QVariant data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

What should I use when the cells of the table are complex widgets?
