CentOS 5.4
Qt 2010.02
Qt 4.6.2 (32-bit)
qt Creator 1.3.1

I build the app clean (only sources and .pro files).

The debugging issue and the prelink warnings seem correlated--they showed up at the same time when I started requiring some standard libraries.

I get several errors like this in the gdb window and (libgcc, ligc, librt, libX11 and others) when "Start Debugging" (F5) but not when "Run" (ctl-r).

.dynamic section for "/lib/libgcc_s.so.1" is not at the expected address
difference appears to be caused by prelink, adjusting expectations
Setting a breakpoint, I either hover or add a watch item for a variable. gdb window gives this when I hover over the variable "anint."

32-var-create "tooltip.x" * "anint"
"Variable object not found\n"
"error,msg-"Variable object not found"
"mi_cmd_var_create: unable to create variable object\n"
32^<Rebuild Watchmodel 2>
I'm only vaguely aware of prelink. Anyone help to get rid of the warnings and get my watch variables back?