
I'm trying to run the examples/widgets/wiggly using qvfb on Mac OS X.

No matter what I do qvfb starts and opens a empty window and
when I start wiggly it starts in a window of its own as a native Mac OS
application using Mac graphics pipeline instead of the qvfb, I presume.

Here is what I do.

I've installed the full Qt SDK from


I then downloaded this file:


and extracted the contents to this dir:


I then 'cd' into that dir and configure as follows:

./configure -qt-gfx-qvfb -qt-kbd-qvfb -qt-mouse-qvfb -prefix /qt-qvfb-4.6.2/

and 'make' it, which takes long time but finishes without errors.

I then 'sudo make install' which copies a lot of files
and to my surprise also compiles lots of stuff.

Is that normal?

further the compilation fails with:

make[2]: [install_target] Error 1 (ignored)
sed -e "s,/qt-qvfb-4.6.2/include,/qt-qvfb-4.6.2//include,g" -e "s,/qt-qvfb-4.6.2/lib,/qt-qvfb-4.6.2//lib,g" "../../lib/Qt3Support.framework/Qt3Support.prl" >"/qt-qvfb-4.6.2/lib/Qt3Support.framework/Qt3Support.prl"
sed -e "s,/qt-qvfb-4.6.2/include,/qt-qvfb-4.6.2//include,g" -e "s,/qt-qvfb-4.6.2/lib,/qt-qvfb-4.6.2//lib,g" "../../lib/Qt3Support.la" >"/qt-qvfb-4.6.2/lib/Qt3Support.la"
sed -e "s,/qt-qvfb-4.6.2/include,/qt-qvfb-4.6.2//include,g" -e "s,/qt-qvfb-4.6.2/lib,/qt-qvfb-4.6.2//lib,g" -e "s,/qt-qvfb-4.6.2,/qt-qvfb-4.6.2/,g" "../../lib/pkgconfig/Qt3Support.pc" >"/qt-qvfb-4.6.2/lib/pkgconfig/Qt3Support.pc"
cd src/tools/uic3/ && make -f Makefile install
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `../../../lib/QtCore.framework/Versions/4/Headers/qglobal.h', needed by `.obj/release-shared/customwidgetsinfo.o'. Stop.
make: *** [sub-uic3-install_subtargets-ordered] Error 2

doing 'make' again, it succeeds.

Then I qmake wiggly from wiithin it's directory as follows:


and make it, which succeeds.

I then start qvfb as follows:


which again succeeds and opens an empty window,
but when I start wiggly with

./wiggly -qws

it starts in a native Mac OS Window not using the qvfb virtual frame buffer.

And looking at the compilation I see that it seems to compile with some Qt
framework on Mac, which to indicates that it is most likely compiling with
the Mac Qt SDK, not with the Qt that I configured for qvfb.

So, what am I doing wrong?

br Kusti