I read this post twice and maybe it's due to my bad eng, but I can't figure out last two post. First You write that there is "no static version of mingw" (this sentence in particular is confusing to me) and suggest using msvc, and in last post You write that there was only dll for mingw. Wouldn't that imply contradiction? Also I compiled qt, before posting to make sure, and msvc08 create lib's so either way no mater what compiler you use lib will be created for you (no surprise there). By static lib. I mean peace of code that is itself a whole, and don't rely on other peace of code. And due to my bad eng, I wrote something in different meaning than I actually meant.
Do I correctly assume that you previous advice was due to "not force user" to reconfigure qt? If so, and that's only my opinion, wouldn't that be way more hassle then simply reconfigure the whole thing?