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Thread: QIde, a new IDE for Qt4

  1. #61
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    Default Re: QIde, a new IDE for Qt4

    It's really nice IDE! BIG THANKS, because I used notepad before
    But I found a little thing to correct. It's problem with saving non-latin chars, my russian comments have turned to "???????" strings OK, I opened textEdit.cpp file (at 317:22) and corrected toLatin1() function to toLocal8Bit(), so now QIde saves correctly my files.

  2. #62
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    Default Re: QIde, a new IDE for Qt4

    Ok thanks. It's modified and will be in next release.

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  3. #63
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    Angry Re: QIde, a new IDE for Qt4

    ... actually, I wanted to ask to choose the locale from which the files should be loaded...

    while we are asking for new features:

    1. auto brackets (you press "{" and "}" gets added to the text automagically)
    2. mark the current line, with a special backgrund color (easier to spot the current line)
    3. add a wizard which generates a "main.cpp" by calling a main window (like it was on Qt Designer 3, remember...?)
    4. when saving the *.pro files, not saving every variable with a new line.
    5. syntax highliting for other file types (not only c/c++)
    6. file -> new, should be a new text file, new project should be on the project menu.
    7. right clicking an item on the project explorer will have menu entry which lets you add a new item of that type (new dialog, new header, source, etc).
    8. on dialogs, on right click an item to preview the dialog, without opening designer. should be trivial, and will help when you are looking into a new project.
    9. on the open dialog, each type of files should be on a separate item list,
      "sources *.cpp *.h", "projects *.pro", "text *.txt", "all files *" etc... this can ease the loading of files from the ide.

    huge thanks!
    Last edited by elcuco; 15th August 2006 at 18:45.

  4. #64
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    Default Re: QIde, a new IDE for Qt4

    ... actually, I wanted to ask to choose the locale from which the files should be loaded...
    I don't understand why you say this !?

    EDIT : If you say this for the toLocal8Bit() request, for me it is not a problem if the new function works for everybody ? But I perhaps did not understand well?
    Last edited by jlbrd; 15th August 2006 at 21:41.
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  5. #65
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    Default Re: QIde, a new IDE for Qt4

    for example:
    my locale is set on linux to "en_US" but I want my files to be loaded in UTF-8, but some special files I want to load using "cp-1255". I would like to have a golabl value, with all locales supported by Qt and "default" which falls back to toLocal8Bit().

    If possible also an option to override this on loading (a new cool combo box on the open dialog).

  6. #66
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    Default Re: QIde, a new IDE for Qt4

    It crash again when i open a project with command line ( Windows ) v0.17


  7. #67
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    Default Re: QIde, a new IDE for Qt4

    Yes, it's fixed and will be available with 0.18 release. If you want before this future version you can change the variable nomAbsoluFichierProjet or remove the file ./config/QIde.conf in your home directory. Under Windows find and change the variable with regedit.
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  8. #68
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    Default Re: QIde, a new IDE for Qt4

    The version 0.18 is released on :

    Corrections :
    - Now detect translated "error" and "warning" strings in gcc logs to show lines on red and blue and to permit the double-click to open editors.
    - Crash on starts when last project is not present
    - Rewriting of cpp syntax highlighter. Work well and more quickly. Highlighting is now enabled only for .c, .cpp, .cc and .h files only.
    - Remove stranges characters in Build Log window.
    - The location of qmake is set during QIde compilation then used to call qmake. But sometimes this location is not good thus in options dialog it is possible configure it.
    - Rewriting of parser who populates the combo classes and methods. Now requires ctags and normally works with all styles of code.
    Adds :
    - Auto brackets in editor. When "{" is pressed, "}" gets added to the text automatically and text between is indented.
    - Highlight current line
    - On dialogs, a menu "Preview" available by right-click on item preview the dialog, without opening Designer. Each widget shows a tooltip containing his name and classname.
    - Dutch translation
    - Find in files
    - Improvement of the Qt contextual help. When F1 is pressed on word in editor, Assistant is launched.
    • If the word is an Qt object, the corresponding page is displayed (qstring.html if the word is QString).

    • If the word is a function, the page called is the class of this function and in the page the anchor corresponding of the word is displayed. Example : in code : QString foo="ab"; foo = foo.remove("a"); If F1 is pressed on the word "remove", Assistant shows the page qstring.html at the place of the anchor "remove".
    That does not work every time because the anchor names are not always identical to the names of functions.

    - The Project explorer have now two view modes accessible by right click then choose "Show As".
    - Close a tab by right-click on it even if it is not the currrent tab.
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  9. #69
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    Default Re: QIde, a new IDE for Qt4

    does not compile here:

    g++ -c -pipe -O2 -Wall -W -D_REENTRANT -DQMAKEPATH="/usr/local/Trolltech/qt4-rsync/bin/qmake" -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_XML_LIB -DQT_GUI_LIB -DQT_NETWORK_LIB -DQT_CORE_LIB -DQT_SHARED -I/usr/local/Trolltech/qt4-rsync/mkspecs/default -I. -I/usr/local/Trolltech/qt4-rsync/include/QtUiTools -I/usr/local/Trolltech/qt4-rsync/include/QtCore -I/usr/local/Trolltech/qt4-rsync/include/QtCore -I/usr/local/Trolltech/qt4-rsync/include/QtNetwork -I/usr/local/Trolltech/qt4-rsync/include/QtNetwork -I/usr/local/Trolltech/qt4-rsync/include/QtGui -I/usr/local/Trolltech/qt4-rsync/include/QtGui -I/usr/local/Trolltech/qt4-rsync/include/QtXml -I/usr/local/Trolltech/qt4-rsync/include/QtXml -I/usr/local/Trolltech/qt4-rsync/include -I. -I../dockplugin -I../lineedithistoplugin -I../treeprojetplugin -Isrc -Isrc/ui -I../build/moc -I../build/ui -o ../build/o/unix/mainimpl.o src/mainimpl.cpp
    src/mainimpl.cpp: In member function ‘void MainImpl::sauvegardeINI()’:
    src/mainimpl.cpp:504: error: ‘usr’ was not declared in this scope
    src/mainimpl.cpp:504: error: ‘local’ was not declared in this scope
    src/mainimpl.cpp:504: error: ‘Trolltech’ was not declared in this scope
    src/mainimpl.cpp:504: error: ‘qt4’ was not declared in this scope
    src/mainimpl.cpp:504: error: ‘rsync’ was not declared in this scope
    src/mainimpl.cpp:504: error: ‘qmake’ was not declared in this scope
    src/mainimpl.cpp:504: error: expected primary-expression before ‘(’ token
    src/mainimpl.cpp:504: error: expected primary-expression before ‘/’ token
    src/mainimpl.cpp: In member function ‘void MainImpl::controleEnvironnement()’:
    src/mainimpl.cpp:1601: error: expected primary-expression before ‘/’ token
    src/mainimpl.cpp:1601: error: ‘usr’ was not declared in this scope
    src/mainimpl.cpp:1601: error: ‘local’ was not declared in this scope
    src/mainimpl.cpp:1601: error: ‘Trolltech’ was not declared in this scope
    src/mainimpl.cpp:1601: error: ‘qt4’ was not declared in this scope
    src/mainimpl.cpp:1601: error: ‘rsync’ was not declared in this scope
    src/mainimpl.cpp:1601: error: ‘qmake’ was not declared in this scope
    make[1]: *** [../build/o/unix/mainimpl.o] Error 1

    elcuco@linux:~/src/qt4-editors/QIde-0.18> echo $QTDIR
    more details in a few hours
    Last edited by jacek; 27th August 2006 at 13:06. Reason: changed [ code ] to [ quote ] to allow wrapping

  10. #70
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    Default Re: QIde, a new IDE for Qt4

    The character #8216 is the left single quotation mark. With Qt 4.1.4 the command is :
    Qt Code:
    1. g++ -c -pipe -O2 -Wall -W -D_REENTRANT -DQMAKEPATH=\"/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.1.4/bin/qmake\" -DQT_NO_DEBUG
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
    with \ before "
    and the Makefile in Ide directory contains :
    Qt Code:
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

    Perhaps that qmake of 4.2.x does not put the \ before “ in Makefile?
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  11. #71
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    Default Re: QIde, a new IDE for Qt4

    Qt Code:
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

    you are right. a work around (and better solution) should be detecting the path to qmake using QTDIR on runtime, and if not found using QLibraryInfo::BinariesPath (this way I can choose which QTDIR to use by changing environment variables).

    I have a lot of bugs and crashes, which I will report in the evening (like the "comment this line" crash).

    Dud, you forgot the find in filles option (which works fine here).

  12. #72
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    Default Re: QIde, a new IDE for Qt4

    a work around (and better solution) should be detecting the path to qmake using QTDIR on runtime, and if not found using QLibraryInfo::BinariesPath (this way I can choose which QTDIR to use by changing environment variables).
    On runtime it's not the better solution because qmake for Qt4 is sometimes named qmake4 or other (in the development packages of several Linux). The variable QMAKEPATH is a good solution because it design location+name. It not work with 4.2.x but Trolltech must correct that. But QMAKEPATH is not THE solution because under my Windows XP, the variable contains "qmake" alone without location. For this reason it can be defines in the “Options” dialog.
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  13. #73
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    Default Re: QIde, a new IDE for Qt4

    I was talking about the default value, if none saved on the configuration files. Try to $QMAKEPATH, then $QTDIR/qmake, $QTDIR/qmake4 and then fallback to using the library.

    Anyway, here are some bugs I found:
    1. maring a line as comment will crash QIde. To reproduce just press ctrl+d.
    2. Mark current line is lost. To reproduce uncheck the mark current line, close the window. Now open the configuration once again, and set the option "on" back again. The current line will not get highlighted. On the next restart, the mark of the current line will be in black.
    3. Some icons have different size. The save, rebuild, stop build, start application buttons on the toolbars are smaller then the toolbar. This just looks bad.
    4. slots are not connected on UI proviews. Lets say I have a window with some default slots connected (click that checkbox to enable/disable another widget). The slots will not be connected on the preview, even tough they are in QDesigner.
    5. auto hide does not work on Qt42. What happens is that you loose those docks completely and cannot make them available. IMHO, you should disable this functionality on Qt42.
    6. Outputs dock cannot be docked on the sides

    This is not surely a bug, but may be one of the thigns I broke in order, but the qmake setting is never saved on my box.

    As a bonus, I am attaching here a a revised options.ui dialog. I mainly removed most of the qframes (in the first and 2nd tab). I reordered the buttons on the last tab and now the buttons look better on screen, I also added a resize handle. The reason why I started hacking on this UI, is that the dialog looked too tall on my screen. IMHO windows should not be too much tall, and the bigest axis should be X (like the screen).

    The new layout takes less screen, and IMHO is more productive. The original window is on the right, mine is on the left. It still needs some work, please comment.

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  14. #74
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    Default Re: QIde, a new IDE for Qt4

    A new version 0.18-a is available :

    - A crash when "Edit | Toggle comment" is choose on unselected line.
    - A crash when Enter key is pressed in a header.
    - Widgets slots in preview dialogs are now connected.
    - Audo-hide dock does not work on Qt 4.2.x and this feature is disabled for this version.
    - Problem if current line color is disabled in options dialog.
    - Menus "Comment" and "Uncomment".

    For the problem with DEFINES in .pro and with 4.2.x, a request has been posted to Qt "Task Tracker".

    For your requests 3 and 6 ok but later. I just corrected bugs of 0.18.
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  15. #75
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    Default Re: QIde, a new IDE for Qt4

    I have the response by Trolltech for the problem of DEFINES=QMAKEPATH=\"$(QMAKE)\" in :
    "We've changed some of the quoting rules to allow for spaces in paths and
    other things that couldn't be done with the old quoting rules."
    It is necessary that I find a solution. Certainly find qmake by QTDIR (as before) then by opening dialog if not found

    All works with last version?.
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  16. #76
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    Default Re: QIde, a new IDE for Qt4

    no, it still does not compile.

    I am attaching here a patch which overcomes this by detecting the qmake binary on runtime. The patch is dirty, mainly because you are saving the files in (iso8859-1?) and I am loading them in UTF-8, and because I am too lazy to review it again....

    The code is this:
    Qt Code:
    1. bool isExecutable( QString fileName )
    2. {
    3. return (QFile::permissions(fileName) & QFile::ExeOwner !=0 );
    4. }
    6. void MainImpl::lectureINI()
    7. {
    8. ...
    9. m_qmakeName = settings.value("m_qmakeName", "" ).toString();
    10. if (m_qmakeName.isEmpty())
    11. {
    12. if (isExecutable(QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::BinariesPath) + "/qmake4" ))
    13. m_qmakeName = QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::BinariesPath) + "/qmake4";
    14. else if (isExecutable(QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::BinariesPath) + "/qmake" ))
    15. m_qmakeName = QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::BinariesPath) + "/qmake";
    16. }
    18. ...
    19. }
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

    The code was tested here, and it seems to work as expected.
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  17. #77
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    Default Re: QIde, a new IDE for Qt4

    Thank you for this patch but I will give the old method:
    1. Load ini file and especialy qmake location
    2. Run and test it by evaluate his text returned
    3. If it's not good, detect it by QTDIR environment variable or QLibraryInfo::location
    4. If it's not still good, open a dialog to choose his location.

    The next version 0.19 will be entirely translated in English: function names, variables, comments etc. to make most easy the reading and modification for everyone.
    Last edited by jlbrd; 30th August 2006 at 08:39.
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  18. #78
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    Default Re: QIde, a new IDE for Qt4

    Just a short question : assuming that someone doesn't have CTags installed (I don't) and doesn't want to wait for hours while its old 56k attempt to download it, how does he build QIde ? I didn't see any magical trick to build without code completion and I don't feel like rewriting half of an application just to exclude a feature in alpha-stage...
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    Default Re: QIde, a new IDE for Qt4

    ctags is not required to build QIde. If ctags is not present, there will be a warning message when QIde starts and not completion available. But it's not required to compile.
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  20. #80
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    Default Re: QIde, a new IDE for Qt4

    This file is about 350kb, and contains the source and binary for windows. according to my calculations, it should not take more then 2 minutes to download (I caculated 54 seconds).
    Last edited by elcuco; 30th August 2006 at 17:11.


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