Hi there,
same problem again, with the flash plugin.
How can I let my application show a web page with flash content?

The story
My application was prefectly working with QWebView and flash.
The configuration was: RHEL 5.4 with Qt 4.7.2
I didn't need to do particular things. Just it was working.

The same application (re-built obviously) doesn't deal with flash web pages.
The configuration is RHEL 5.8 and Qt 4.7.3

Of course the difference (between the two systems) is the firefox, now in the 17.x release.
The way to get the libflashplayer.so work with firefox is different. But now, in my current system, firefox works well with flash.

So, what can I do to have my Qt application work with flash web pages?
Any suggestion will be appreciated.

Thanks from Italy.