Hello everyone,
I am trying to integrate a custom widget that I created. But I am having problems because my widget receives in its constructor no only the QWidget *parent but other parameters. I want it to integrate it into QT designer, either as a plugin or as a custom widget but I cannot find the way to tell QT Designer that it has more parameters in the constructor...
i.e. my custom widget constructor looks like this
EMI12Interface(AMManager *manager,QWidget *parent);
EMI12Interface is a QWidget but it receives no only a QWidget *parent in its construction but some other parameters...
At the time that I add my custom widget to QT Designer and QT Designer autogenerates my source file, my QWidget is created as :
eMI12Interface1 = new EMI12Interface( ECGWidget, "eMI12Interface1" );
and this are not the arguments that I want... How can I tell QT Designers to create my QWidget with other arguments?
Thanks for the help!