Greetings. This is more of a C++ question, but I'm posting it here because I would like to know how it relates to Qt.
Reading books on Qt, I know that widgets should be constructed on the heap because they will be deleted automatically when their parents are deleted. My question is this: if I have a custom widget class and I instantiate it on the heap, would the members also go on the heap even though they are not dynamically created in the class?
MyWidget *w = new MyWidget;
class MyWidget : public QWidget{
QPushButton myButton_;
MyWidget *w = new MyWidget;
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In the example code does 'myButton_' reside on the heap or the stack? Printing the memory address it seems that it's on the heap. Does this mean that I can avoid using the 'new' operator and dynamic memory allocation for members of my class if I know for sure that the class will be constructed on the heap?
or is it always best to use pointers regardless?
delete pMyButton_;
MyWidget *w = new MyWidget;
class MyWidget : public QWidget{
pMyButton_ = new QPushButton;
delete pMyButton_;
QPushButton *pMyButton_;
MyWidget *w = new MyWidget;
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