Hi All

I'm trying to rotate my scene with several Items. I'm looking at the scene and I want rotate the scene around some point( point equal to centerTo idealy ).

Qt Code:
  1. void MyGraphicsView::updateTransform()
  2. {
  3. QTransform tr;
  4. tr.rotate(m_yRotate/1.0, Qt::YAxis);
  5. tr.rotate(m_xRotate/1.0, Qt::XAxis);
  6. tr.translate(some_point.x(), some_point.y());
  7. setTransform(tr);
  8. /**/
  9. }
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In other words how can I change the position of YAxis or/and XAxis during such transform?
So far rotation is done around some Axis I can not controll.

I've tryed to play with:


Any ideas ?

Thank you!