Here's my code:
Qt Code:
  1. QList<QNetworkCookie>* cookies;
  2. ......
  3. void MyPlayer::getMusicList(char type)
  4. {
  5. QString url = constructGetUrl(type);
  6. QNetworkRequest request(url);
  7. request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::CookieHeader,QVariant::fromValue(*cookies));
  8. getPlayListReply = manager.get(request);
  9. ....
  10. }
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This function will be called twice.At first,the cookies has 2 items,and everything works fine.
After the request finishes,I receive two more cookie and I add them to the cookies.So I have
4 cookies totally.Then this function is called agian.But through a network sniffer tool,I see that
the request sending out only contains 1 cookie.The rest disappeared.
I also set a breakpoint after calling manager.get().
And through the "locals and watchers",I can see there're 4 cookies in the request.

Does anyone know why those three disappear?