hi, I'm trying to do this; but the dialog appear, progressBarTx is at 100%...why I can't see the increment? ProgressBar max value is 100 from designer....and -1 min. thanks

Qt Code:
  1. //mainform
  2. progress->show();
  3. ....Write(f, progress);
  4. progress->close();
  6. void OB::Write(QTextStream& xstrm, myProgressDialog* prog) {
  7. for (int i=0; i< 10000; i++) {
  8. prog->progressTx();
  9. }
  10. }
  11. void myProgressDialog::progressTx() {
  12. progressBarTx->setProgress(progressBarTx->progress()+1); qApp->processEvents();
  13. }
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