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Thread: How time consuming is a d-pointer access?

  1. #1
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    Default How time consuming is a d-pointer access?

    I had a discussion with a college who argued that d-pointers should never be used in any time critical situations because it would include so much overhead. I use d-pointer a lot because it makes compilation of large projects simpler.

    Now I have a very simple example where time is not very critical, but I would like to have an idea what the difference is and if it would be worth not to make the variables members of a d-pointer.

    The class is used to store 10 bit and greater image data and I convert back to QColor:

    Qt Code:
    1. QColor QRgbMatrix::operator()(int x, int y)
    2. {
    3. int r = int(d->red[ArrPos(x,y)] * d->bitsPerPixelCorrection);
    4. int g = int(d->green[ArrPos(x,y)] * d->bitsPerPixelCorrection);
    5. int b = int(d->blue[ArrPos(x,y)] * d->bitsPerPixelCorrection);
    7. if (d->isMonochrom) {
    8. return QColor(g,g,g);
    9. } else {
    10. return QColor(r,g,b);
    11. }
    12. }
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

    This has function calls for position, isMonochrome, red, blue and green array and the bitsPerPixelCorrection.
    If I wanted to create a pixmap or an image I would loop over the whole array with this function.


  2. #2
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    Default Re: How time consuming is a d-pointer access?

    This has zero impact.
    Especially when the compiler can optimise this. If you write d->someThing or myClass->item->anotherItem->yetAntoher->someThing, the compiler just uses the memory adres of the thing you're pointing to.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: How time consuming is a d-pointer access?

    Quote Originally Posted by tbscope View Post
    This has zero impact.
    Especially when the compiler can optimise this. If you write d->someThing or myClass->item->anotherItem->yetAntoher->someThing, the compiler just uses the memory adres of the thing you're pointing to.
    If this really has no measureable impact I would continue to rely on d-pointers.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: How time consuming is a d-pointer access?

    d pointers are usually used in public api's, like the Qt library to hide private functions from the user.

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