The recommended way of launching Qt Assistant as a custom help viewer is to start a process. The example on that page works great for Linux, but how does one achieve this on Mac, where the Qt Assistant is in an app bundle? Right now I am doing this:
Qt Code:
QStringList args; << helpPath_ #ifdef Q_WS_MAC QString app = QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::BinariesPath) + QLatin1String("/"); #else #endif process_->start(app, args); process_->waitForStarted();To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode
This is working, but seems very hackish and fragile to me. Is there a cross-platform way of doing this? If not, is that the recommended way of launching an application within an app bundle as a process? Is the internal folder structure of a Mac app bundle stable?
Thanks for any pointers.