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Thread: Qt Creator and "make: g++: Command not found"

  1. #1
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    Default Qt Creator and "make: g++: Command not found"

    Disclaimer: I am a Linux novice.

    I installed latest 4.6.3 Qt and tools on OpenSuse 11.2. When I am trying to build an example project in Qt creator I am getting this error: make: g++: Command not found.
    However, when I switch to terminal and type: gcc -v I am getting the "Configured with..."... response. Also, I see the gcc is in usr/bin and this directory is in the $PATH.

    My understanding of gcc is that g++ is part of gcc installation. But invoking g++ from the command line shows that there is no such command in my system. I can't find g++ with "find" command. However, trying to install "g++" with sudo zypper install g++ does not lead to any change in gcc installation.

    May be the following information carries some clues. Originally, when I installed OpenSuse 11.2, there were no gcc or make installed, so I had to install it manually. Now both "make" and "gcc" respond, but g++ does not.

    I'll appreciate any help or advise. Thanks.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Qt Creator and "make: g++: Command not found"

    Search for g++ in the "software management" or "software update"(sorry, i don't know the exact name, i didn't use openSuse lately) and install (on most linux distros default is only gcc and compiles only C code, the switch: gcc -lstdc++ ... or g++ does not work)

  3. The following 2 users say thank you to Zlatomir for this useful post:

    Naami (14th July 2010), TorAn (11th June 2010)

  4. #3
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    Default Re: Qt Creator and "make: g++: Command not found"

    Sure enough, I used the wrong command to install g++ component of gcc. It should be (on opensuse): sudo zypper install gcc-c++
    That was the missing piece. Example compiled. I am excited!

  5. The following user says thank you to TorAn for this useful post:

    Naami (14th July 2010)

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