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Thread: QtDesigner: set centralWidget of QMainWindow

  1. #1
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    Question QtDesigner: set centralWidget of QMainWindow

    I want to use QtDesigner to create a QMainWindow.
    But I can't set the centralWidget correctly: I want to have a TabWidget as my centralWidget, but in QtDesigner, it is always a QWidget and I cannot edit it. Simply dragging a QTabWidget onto the QMainWindow adds it as a child of the centralWidget, but I want t to be the centralWidget.
    What am I doing wrong?


  2. #2
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    Default Re: QtDesigner: set centralWidget of QMainWindow

    It doesn't matter. You use layouts.

    But... if you really really insist in having it as the central widget:
    Create a new widget, then in your main window constructor create a new object of your tab widget, then set it as the central widget.

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