Hello all!

I am an Autodesk maya 2011 user and I am trying to create a UI in QT with a Scroll Area in it.
However so far I have not been able to get it working. I searched a lot for this problem but so far I have not found anyone with a similar problem.
I also checked the help file on this problem but the scroll area topic in the help file only focuses on using scroll area’s within code.
As far as I know I can not use any form of scripting/code except for the script in the UI file itself since Autodesk Maya only reads the UI file. Other than that I am a complete novice using QT.


When I create a Scroll Area in a mainWindow and place any layout or widget inside of it that is larger than the Scroll Area the Scroll area does not show any Scroll bars. Even if I set the verticalScrollBarPolicy to alwaysOn then it only shows a grayed out scrollbar.
In QT aswell as in maya (ofcourse)

I'm sure that I am forgetting something... Do I need to do anything extra in order to make the Scroll Area work.

Any help or suggestions would be most appreciated.

