I am trying to connect to the signal clicked (and pressed), but it cannot find any of them. I have been looking in the doc and it states that both signals exist. Does anyone know why it says that the signals do not exist when I try?
Thanks in advance
QTableView *tableViewAvailStops;
connect(tableViewAvailStops, SIGNAL(pressed(QModelIndex())), this, SLOT(clickedAvailableStop()));
Object::connect: No such signal QTableView:ressed(QModelIndex())
Object::connect: (sender name: 'tableViewAvailStops')
QTableView *tableViewAvailStops;
connect(tableViewAvailStops, SIGNAL(clicked(QModelIndex())), this, SLOT(clickedAvailableStop()));
Object::connect: No such signal QTableView::clicked(QModelIndex())
Object::connect: (sender name: 'tableViewAvailStops')