I have developed a Qt application in Linux that uses the QJson library. It works fine, and now I am trying to port it to Windows. I got the source from the git repository, extracted it to C:\Qjson, and built it using Qt Creator. I now have a qjson0.dll file in my C:\Qjson\lib directory. I can't seem to link to it though. I downloaded the sample foo application and changed the include path and libs lines to:
INCLUDEPATH += C:\Qjson\src
LIBS += Lc:\Qjson\lib -lqjson0
But every time I try to build, I get "qjson/parser.h:no such file or directory". The paths to the header files and dll are correct. BTW, I also tried :
LIBS += C:\Qjson\lib\qjson0.dll
as well. No difference. Any insights?