can someone help me coz my conversion from socket stream doesnt work (or maybe i'm just blind).. thanks in advance

Qt Code:
  1. qDebug() << "server sending auth question!!!";
  2. qDebug() << sockdata.toHex();
  3. qDebug() << sockdata.mid(2, 1).toHex() << ":" << sockdata.mid(3, 1).toHex() << ":" << sockdata.mid(4.1).toHex();
  4. bool ok;
  5. quint8 res;
  6. int num1=sockdata.mid(2, 1).toInt(&ok, 10);
  7. int num2=sockdata.mid(3, 1).toInt(&ok, 10);
  8. int oper=sockdata.mid(4, 1).toInt(&ok, 10);
  9. qDebug() << "num1 " << num1 << " num2 " << num2 << " op " << oper;
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

and i get zeroes

output Code:
  1. server sending auth question!!!
  2. "ffdecb7002"
  3. "cb" : "70" : "02"
  4. num1 0 num2 0 op 0
  5. result: 0 "ffdf00000000"
  6. "ffdf00000000"
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode