
In my application I have a problem with REconnecting signal/slots.
For simplicity, assume I have three objects, GUI, Processor and backend.
GUI is obviously the gui, processor processes streams of data coming from
my soundcard and backend is a postprocessor for some of this data.
For a variety of reasons I sometime have to delete the backend and instantiate a new version with completely different parameters.

Logically the gui does not "see" the pointer to backend, so for the creation of the signal/slot connections, I pass reference to the gui object through the processor to this backend. On instantiation I create/recreate a number of signal/slot connections between the backend and (elements of the) gui.

Now, on creation (first time) of the backend all connections are fine, on REcreation of the backend object, the connection instantiated through connect
(this, SIGNAL (..), MyGui, SLOT (...))
work fine, the ones though created through
connect (MyGui, SIGNAL (...), this, SLOT (...))
fail though. I.e. the signals from the gui apparently do not bind to the slots of the newly created backend anymore, and the buttons and sliders on the gui have no effect on the backend operation.

If I simplify recreation of the backend by NOT destroying it, i.e. just creating another
instance of the backend, disregarding the old instantiation, everything works fine.

I apologize for the lengthy story, my question is whether or not I am forgetting something?