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Thread: absolute paths - compiling for code coverage reports

  1. #1
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    Default absolute paths - compiling for code coverage reports

    Dear all,

    I want my application to be build with coverage analysis support. This is essentially not a problem.

    However, compiling like this generates additional files, which will then point to the relative paths used in the .pro file. This means there will be problems once the application has been run and you try to use gcov or lcov to analyze the results.

    The common solution on the internet to this appears to be to use absolute paths in your makefile, which you can do with the GNU make function ($abspath ...). Would it be possible to have qmake to insert ($abspath ...) for every file it puts in the makefile? Or would there be another solution, for instance using just QMake functionality?


  2. #2
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    Default Re: absolute paths - compiling for code coverage reports

    I've been trying to just put the absolute path in the .pro files (which is a nasty solution), but it appears that qmake will still put relative paths in the makefile, even if you specify absolute paths in the .pro file

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: absolute paths - compiling for code coverage reports

    Is there still no way to enforce absolute paths to the source files? I'm in the same boat where I'm trying to get coverage reports to work, but it's a bit tricky when all the source file paths are relative to each submodule's pro file.

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