Quote Originally Posted by TorAn View Post
What are iPad-type devices in your opinion - mobile device or something that goes outside of mobile devices domain?
I'm not sure what it has to do with the subject. If iPad is compatible with iPhone then obviously an agreement based on iPhone will also apply to iPad software.

So, Qt-based software products will not work on Android,
Nobody said that. Android is not as closed as iPhone's OS nor as the new Windows Mobile will probably be so deploying 3rd party software there should be possible. For iPhone and Win Mobile 7 (or whatever this is going to be called) you'd be breaking the law by installing 3rd party software. I know this is stupid but that's the way it is.

which looks to occupy significant segment of the market. But Java products will happily move from one slate to another. Where does it leave Qt development compared to Java? I am worried. My reluctance to do anything with Java might just be one of the biggest professional mistakes...
You don't see (official) iPhone or Android software moving towards i.e. Symbian devices, do you? In general mobile software is not compatible across device vendors. Even some Java-based software works on one phone but refuses to work on another. I'm not that much into mobile market currently but for me this is great that (in theory) I can have the same software for my mobile as I use on my desktop. "Other" guys don't have such possibility.

That's why I am reading this forum and others almost daily to see any official Qt-nokia reaction on this subject. Hey, anonymous Qt guy! If you are reading this forum, please post some comments either on your official blog or right here. People like me will greatly appreciate knowing official Qt-nokia point of view. May be, if there is enough interest from the community, we can directly ask Qt to comment?
The official Nokia's point of view has already been stated in this thread. It's not a secret and you can easily hear it Nokia people say it i.e. during DevDays (which I stongly invite everybody who's interested in Qt development to visit).