I have two N97 mini (S60 5.0) devices - one for connecting to Qt Creator (Qt 4.7.0) for testing debug apps, and one for "real world test" -> running self-signed deployed apps.

I am trying to build the example program qsolitare, and have problems when it is deployed for Symbian on the "real world" device. After it successfully installs, and I launch it on the device, the phone resets.

- If I run the application on the test device via Qt Creator, it runs properly.
- If I install the .sis file on the test device, it launches properly.

The only difference (I think) is that I have additionally app_trk installed on the test device. e.g. both devices have qt_installer.sis and qt_mobility.sis installed. As far as I know, app_trk should not be necessary to deploy with your app.

One further piece of info: I also deployed the example "Elastic Nodes" and it runs without resets on the "real world" device.

Has anyone seen this problem before?

Any ideas on how to debug issues on Symbian devices when the first thing to happen is a reset?

Thanks in advance for your help...