First i want to say.. Do not give me any Class reference... I had looked many times THE class reference of listwidget and i cannot understand it...
So what i want to do is to create a list widget... Beside the listwidget i want to have four buttons... Add, Remove, Move up, Move down ....
So when i press add it will search for files and when you click open it will add the items you selected to the listwidget... When you click on an item on the listwidget and click remove the item be deleted... With move up go up an item and with move down go down an item...
But the most importand thing... What i realy want to do is the items that the listwidget have be written to a txt ( the path of this files.. and on every item a new line be created on the txt)...( Do not ask why.. I have a reason )
I now the command how to write something on a txt.. The only think i do not know is the hole thing with the listwidget..
The school is starting in 3 days so i would appresiate it if you created an example for me so i can understand it and make the app before school starts..