I have written a short function to build a simple directory tree into a QStringList. Sometimes the function completes successfully but most of the times it does not, and fails with a "Segmentation fault" error on line 32.
I am modifying the QStringList while iterating through it, but I think it still looks like it should be okay to do this.
// Sample usage at the bottom
#include <QDir>
#include <QStringBuilder>
void getDirectoryTree(const QDir& directory, QStringList& tree)
for (QStringList::iterator it
= tree.
begin(); it
!= tree.
) {
// Real directory or file path
QString currentFilePath
path() % *it
// If this isn't a directory, don't try to look into it.
// Real directory
QDir currentDirectory
// Get list of files in this directory and iterate through them
for (QStringList::iterator itSubFile
= subFiles.
begin(); itSubFile
!= subFiles.
) {
// Holds the relative path of this file/directory
QString subFileRelativePath
// <---------- Segmentation fault occurs subFileRelativePath += *itSubFile;
// Add a directory separator if this is a directory
if (currentDirectory.cd(*itSubFile))
subFileRelativePath += "/";
// Add it to the directory tree
// Sample usage
#include <QMessageBox>
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked()
(QDir("D:\\New folder (2)"), tree
// Sample usage at the bottom
#include <QDir>
#include <QStringBuilder>
void getDirectoryTree(const QDir& directory, QStringList& tree)
for (QStringList::iterator it = tree.begin(); it != tree.end(); ++it)
// Real directory or file path
QString currentFilePath(directory.path() % *it);
// If this isn't a directory, don't try to look into it.
if (!QFileInfo(currentFilePath).isDir())
// Real directory
QDir currentDirectory(currentFilePath);
// Get list of files in this directory and iterate through them
QStringList subFiles = currentDirectory.entryList(QDir::AllEntries | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::Hidden | QDir::System);
for (QStringList::iterator itSubFile = subFiles.begin(); itSubFile != subFiles.end(); ++itSubFile)
// Holds the relative path of this file/directory
QString subFileRelativePath(*it); // <---------- Segmentation fault occurs
subFileRelativePath += *itSubFile;
// Add a directory separator if this is a directory
if (currentDirectory.cd(*itSubFile))
subFileRelativePath += "/";
// Add it to the directory tree
// Sample usage
#include <QMessageBox>
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked()
QStringList tree;
getDirectoryTree(QDir("D:\\New folder (2)"), tree);
QMessageBox::information(this, "", tree.join("\n"));
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode
If you use Qt Creator, just create a new Qt GUI application, drop a button on the form, add a "clicked()" slot and then it's pretty much just pasting my code into mainwindow.cpp.
I am feeling pretty frustrated because I don't understand why this problem occurs.
While I could go a different way (recursive function or use arrays), I feel that this should work one way or another.
Any help on this and other suggestions for improvement, is much appreciated!
Thanks in advance!