I have completed my jukebox app, and am trying to deploy it on a target Windows machine that does not have Qt installed. I have created a setup script using Inno, and I can install the app OK, but have some alien issues when running.

1) Most, but not all, of the controls on the Main window are in a vertical layout, which has some other nested alyouts, and other controls. In the Resize event for the Main Window, I have this line of code:

so that the layout will resize to the new size of the form, and expand or shrink the controls within. But it doesn't do that. I developed the app on a netbook, and am trying to deploy on a full sized laptop. If the resolution is larger than what I developed at, the controls do not expand to fill the space, and if it is smaller, I dno't see all the controls. They are clipped by the side of the screen.

2) The part of the app requiring network functionality, the album art downloader, crashes the app without explanation. I have QNetwork4.dll installed. Do I need somethig else?

3) The music tracks do not actually play. They queue up fine, but nothing happens. I have phonon4, phonon_ds94, and QtMultimedia4 dlls installed. Again, am I mising something else, or some other step? In Linux, I have to configure the phonon backend in System Settings. Is there a similar Windows step I am missing? Tracks play just fine on development machine.

All dlls are installed in the same directory as the app. ANy help anyone can provide would be appreciated. Thanks.

Patrick aka skepticalgeek