emit keyword conflict.
I am building an application using Qt and a Dynamic library, but it seems the dynamic library has a function name emit.

Function signature as as follows:
128 std::string emit (
129 double prep,
130 std::string tag,
131 int d1, int d2, int d3
132 ){ ..... }

I included the headers to the dynamic library in my .pri file as
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS = -isystem/home/math/include

I generated my makfile using: qmake myPrj.pro myPrj.pri
in myPrj.pro is an 'include(myPrj.pri)'

When I make I get the following error:
line 132 error: invalid use of ::

I have built numerous non-Qt projects using this dynamic library, in the past, no errors were ever encountered.

Is it possible to have qmake ignore the emit keywords when including this library?

Mr. eyfout.