Hello all, I am trying to render my SVG file using QSvgRenderer on my Qwidget maded on Qt designer. (developing application for Symbian)

In documentation, it clearly says:
The QSvgRenderer class is used to draw the contents of SVG files onto paint devices.
Using QSvgRenderer, Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) can be rendered onto any QPaintDevice subclass, including QWidget, QImage, and QGLWidget.

so I add in my .pro file: Qt+=svg, included: #include <QtSvg>, make a resource file in which I add my .svg and wrote a code:

QSvgRenderer *svgRenderer = new QSvgRenderer(QString(":/anjuta.svg"),this);
QWidget *ola=ui->widget;

but It says: no matching function for call to QSvgRenderer::render(QWidget *&)
candidates are void QSvgRenderer::render(QPainter *)

So I do not understand, what I need to do with QPainter? I know that I can show svg on screen with QPixmap, but I want animated svg and possibility to use QGraphicsSvgItem.

thank you