Dear All,
I'm new to the forum nice to be here !

My nasty problem I fight with:
(thread 1 main) - (thread 2 worker)
worker read an external device and send QByteArray back to the main-thread.
Therefore I create a signal in the worker and slot in the main with a connect(&thread,..).

I test the signal/slot within the worker-thread to see if the emit works // yes fine
but the main thread give me a

Object::connect: No such signal worker::listItemUpdate(const QByteArray ba) in reader.cpp:25

any hint is highly appreciated.


Qt Code:
  1. class worker : public QThread
  2. ...
  3. signals:
  4. void listItemUpdate(const QByteArray& ba);
  7. class main : public QMainWindow
  8. ...
  9. private slots:
  10. void RlistItemUpdate(const QByteArray ba);
  11. ...
  12. private:
  13. worker InvThread;
  15. main::main()
  16. ...
  17. connect(&InvThread, SIGNAL(listItemUpdate(const QByteArray ba))
  18. , this , SLOT(RlistItemUpdate(const QByteArray ba)));
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