Hi all ,
i designed a form using Qt designer and compiled it with uic to produce
The other files are :
1. main.cpp
2. mainwindow.cpp
3. mainwindow.ui
4. mainwindow.h ( default files )

i've included ui_mainwindow file in header file.
In my form , among many other fields , i want to get username and password from QLineEdit .
When the user press login pushbutton , it should check the name and password manually entered in the corresponding slot invoked .
here's the slot's func:
Qt Code:
  1. void MainWindow::on_login_clicked()
  2. {
  3. user=usernameip->displayText(); // usernameip is lineedit's name
  4. pass=passwordip->displayText(); // '' ''
  5. if(user.compare("user")&&pass.compare("pass"))
  6. {
  7. //i wanted to invoke another dialog from here but i cant put even a msgbox
  8. //'coz the program crashes bfore entering this
  9. }
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

Both user and pass are declared as QString in header file.
If u need the code for other files , ill post it immediately .
i spent about some 3 hours without success , this is my first prog ...