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Thread: Phonon refuses to open AAC files on Windows 7 (Qt 4.7)

  1. #1
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    Default Phonon refuses to open AAC files on Windows 7 (Qt 4.7)

    According to the backend capabilities (audio/mp4 supported) Phonon should be able to play AAC.

    However the "Music Player" sample always returns error 0x80040265 (Cannot play back the file. The format is not suported) when I try to open a valid AAC file.

    The file plays without any problems in wmp.

    Any ideas?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Phonon refuses to open AAC files on Windows 7 (Qt 4.7)

    I have stumbled upon a similar issue. So if anyone could give us a hint, it would be greatly appreciated.

    I am running the "media player" sample from qt sdk 4.7.4 (provided with qt installer 1.1.4) both on desktop(=windows XP) and device (=nokia 701, symbian belle, last update). Every media format file runs smoothly, but a network stream such as aac or mp3 would not run.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Phonon refuses to open AAC files on Windows 7 (Qt 4.7)

    Try libVLC based Phonon backend.
    Oleg Shparber

  4. #4
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    Smile Re: Phonon refuses to open AAC files on Windows 7 (Qt 4.7)

    Quote Originally Posted by bitsflew View Post
    According to the backend capabilities (audio/mp4 supported) Phonon should be able to play AAC.

    However the "Music Player" sample always returns error 0x80040265 (Cannot play back the file. The format is not suported) when I try to open a valid AAC file.

    The file plays without any problems in wmp.

    Any ideas?
    I am a freshman in Qt field.I want to ask a question for multimedia about phonon,how to get the information(filename,Author,Genre,AlbumTitle etc) for the video or audio file.

    Please share your knowledge! Thanks

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