Hi all,
I develop on 4 different computers and my work files start at different paths on each box but follow the same sub directory structure from then on. Due to the piles of programs I keep adding I need some sort of variable that can be set once that points to my work directories.
This is what I have tried at the moment
(at a command prompt)
qmake -set MY_DIR C:\Documents and Settings\User3\My Documents\Qt\Components
(where the path is different for each machine, but only has to be done once on each)
I can then use $$[MY_DIR] in any .pro files to substitute the path for that machine
(note, due to the spaces in the path I have to use another reference in the .pro files like this: MYDIR = "$$[MY_DIR]" and then use $$MYDIR instead)
This still leaves a problem in the program .cpp and .h files since the path is not recognised by the #include <program.h> lines and causes the syntax checker and code completer to fail (setting INCLUDEPATH += $$MYDIR does not help)
Programs will compile with the above setup but I really want the syntax checker and code completer to work.
Can anybody point out the setting I need to do this ?