
I have two clients which are connected to a listener. My clients are QTCPSockets and my listener is QTCPServer.

When new connection arrived, I send a message to clients just for test purpose and it's working.

What I want to do is a simple client messaging. i.e. one client send message to another and vice versa. But whenever I write a block from client to another, the problem occurs - that no message is sent to receiver client. My writing policy does not involve Listener. I simply

Qt Code:
  1. class Client // assume it's sender client object
  2. {
  3. ...
  5. QByteArray data;
  6. data.append("Hello");
  7. int n = clientReceiver->write(data);
  8. emit clientReceiver->readyRead();
  10. ...
  11. }
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By the way I checked the documentation and I encountered the following sentence "Note for developers implementing classes derived from QIODevice: you should always emit readyRead() when new data has arrived...". I also emitted readyRead as you see above.

What is the deal here?