
I have a QProcess running and need to capture its output.
Everything works fine, but I have a question about some details.

Qt Code:
  1. connect (this, SIGNAL (readyReadStandardOutput()), this, SLOT (showOutput()));
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

This calls a function showOutput() to get the output using canReadLine() and readLine(...)

What happens if something is written to stdout while the readout is still in progress?
If I got that right, then readyReadStandardOutput is called always if something is written to stdout. Is there another readout started?


stdout > something
emit readyReadStandardOutput
showOutput() in progress
stdout > something_else
?? what happens here

The other question is a bit related to that:
What does readAllStandardOutput fetch from the stdout? Everything? Everything that has not been read before? does the first fetch continue on new output data?

stdout > something
readAllStandardOutput in progress
stdout > something_else
?? what happens here

I hope you can help me.
Kind regards,