The following works with (and most likely with former versions as well):
QMake version 3.0
Using Qt version 5.1.1

Qt Code:
  1. #call the ressource compiler
  2. = version_res.o
  3. win32:mkver_rc.depends = version.h
  4. win32:mkver_rc.commands = windres -i version.rc -o version_res.o --include-dir=. -DVERSION_H_INTERN $(DEFINES)
  5. win32:QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += mkver_rc
  6. win32:PRE_TARGETDEPS += version_res.o
  8. LIBS += version_res.o
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

Please check if you should remove the two lines you mentioned above from your project file.