Afternoon all --
I'm really, really going to stick my neck out here at the risk of getting it chopped offhere's the deal:
1) Been a PL/SQL and SQL programmer for 13 years, with 7 before that in Fortran (Yikes!)
2) Been hired by my father-in-law (double yikes, especially with a his grand kiddo on the way) to develop an app for his business
3) Minimal C experience, no C++, no Qt, but thanks to PL/SQL and Ada I'm not having to start OO approach from scratch
I have begun developing the forms for his app in Creator, got them where I want them, and having been reading tutorials and manuals out the ears, but due to time constraints I'm forced to ask this question to the audience.
Where do I go from here?
Does anyone have any link (I can't find anything) on how to go from the code created in Creator to writing code to do the processing I need done. Just for example's sake, I had to write a log in screen which will communicate with a SQLite database, but while I have the screen developed I can't find any clear documentation pointing me to the next step beyond Creator, unless it's this:
I'm on a very, very tight deadline and I'm used to learning new things on my own instead of asking, but desperate times call for the risk of being made fun of...
thanks for any help!