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Thread: REAL Newbie question -- where to go from here?

  1. #1
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    Default REAL Newbie question -- where to go from here?

    Afternoon all --

    I'm really, really going to stick my neck out here at the risk of getting it chopped off here's the deal:

    1) Been a PL/SQL and SQL programmer for 13 years, with 7 before that in Fortran (Yikes!)
    2) Been hired by my father-in-law (double yikes, especially with a his grand kiddo on the way) to develop an app for his business
    3) Minimal C experience, no C++, no Qt, but thanks to PL/SQL and Ada I'm not having to start OO approach from scratch

    I have begun developing the forms for his app in Creator, got them where I want them, and having been reading tutorials and manuals out the ears, but due to time constraints I'm forced to ask this question to the audience.

    Where do I go from here?

    Does anyone have any link (I can't find anything) on how to go from the code created in Creator to writing code to do the processing I need done. Just for example's sake, I had to write a log in screen which will communicate with a SQLite database, but while I have the screen developed I can't find any clear documentation pointing me to the next step beyond Creator, unless it's this:

    I'm on a very, very tight deadline and I'm used to learning new things on my own instead of asking, but desperate times call for the risk of being made fun of...

    thanks for any help!


  2. #2
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    Default Re: REAL Newbie question -- where to go from here?

    So what you want to know is how to talk to a SQlite DB? Examples are your friend!

    If you don't know how to get button presses to run code, then I suggest other examples, such as the Addressbook tutorial, present in the Qt distribution.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: REAL Newbie question -- where to go from here?

    What do you mean by
    from the code created in Creator to writing code to do the processing
    Creator is a development environment, and it integrates a form builder. There is no code 'in QtCreator' and code outside of it. Maybe you mean the code that takes care of the user interface part, and the code that takes care of other things (for instance calculating schedules or so for the business). But this is a much debated topic. If it's a large application, it is best to put not too much non-user-interface stuff in the code of your dialogs, and to make functions to hide the complexity of to non-user-interface stuff. For instance, if you need to know the next appointment in your schedule, create a function in a file that gives you this information. Don't put the code in the code of your dialog itself. For smaller applications, it is usually not too bad if you don't strictly obey this rule. It's all a matter of balance and opinion. It is also best to think a bit about the architecture of your application first and decide what functionality to put where.

    If you tell us what functionality you need, we may point you to the correct examples.

    A very tight deadline while you still need to learn the languague in question is a recipe for disaster. Especially if you also need to make time for your better half with the grand kiddo on the way (trust me on this ). If you are more familiar with scripting languagues, you may consider using Python and PyQt. Or you could consider frameworks (e.g. MS Access, Visual Foxpro, ...) that are easier to get started with.

    Best regards,

  4. #4
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    Default Re: REAL Newbie question -- where to go from here?

    Thanks for the reply -- unfortunately, despite my arguments to the contrary, this is the development path my FIL wants to take...We're selling it to one of his clients and he's going to use it for his own purposes in the future...Frankly, I wanted to do it on the web, but he shot that down...Yes, this is a recipe for disaster, but I have until Mid-May to get it delivered (the monster's due mid-June)...Oh, and work my normal full time job...

    The app is going to be taking data from a user over several "modules" (groupings of data) consisting of text, check boxes and radio buttons...They will have the option of modifying a stored "simulation" or scenario or creating one from scratch...After they've entered their data they can go the simulation form, select the "modules" of data, then execute the simulation which then outputs the data to a flat file and feeds it to my FIL's software...

    While searching this forum last night I found an app that's designed exactly how I was considering doing it, with the "modules" in a listwidget on the left with the actual data entered via a stacked widget with tabs on the right (each module has 4-10 different data items).

    What I'd hoped when I started this is that Qt Creator would generate a bit more of a framework from which I could just fill in the processing...The only thing I've ever used was VB back in '95, and for some reason thought that generated more code but my 44 year old brain could be failing me...I have to write more code from scratch than I expected so going from a "login" pushbutton to the code I need to write, linking those two up, is where I'm a little foggy right now...
    Last edited by scott_hollen; 21st January 2011 at 00:44.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: REAL Newbie question -- where to go from here?

    To test yourself. Just create a Notepad clone in Qt ( the example is already in Qt but dont look at it). Dont use QtCreator or designer. Just plain C++ and command prompt. qmake, make.

    If you can pull this off then only start out to make an application. This is real technique used by me to teach Qt to the new joiners.

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